Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Brand, Stewart (21 April 2015), Rethinking extinction, Retrieved on 2015-05-23
  • Source Material [aeon.co]
  • Folksonomies: environmentalism extinction


    23 MAY 2015

     Invasive Species Increase Biodiversity

    Life becomes different, and it carries on. Since the majority of invasive species are relatively benign, they add to an island’s overall biodiversity. The ecologist Dov Sax at Brown University in Rhode Island points out that non-native plants have doubled the botanical biodiversity of New Zealand – there are 2,104 native plants in the wild, and 2,065 non-native plants. Ascension Island in the south Atlantic, once a barren rock deplored by Charles Darwin for its ‘naked hideousness’, no...
    Folksonomies: environmentalism ecology
    Folksonomies: environmentalism ecology
      1  notes
    23 MAY 2015

     Engineering Away Extinction, Ecological Functioning

    Or might the threatened animal be just one of several subspecies that all perform approximately the same ecological function? In that case its extinction might be inconsequential. That was the reality when the Galapagos giant tortoise ‘Lonesome George’ died in June 2012 and was mourned worldwide. Dubbed ‘the rarest living creature’, he was (probably) the last of his subspecies. Ecologists shrugged. Taxonomists shrugged. There are 10 more subspecies of Galapagos tortoise. Their populat...
      1  notes

    The American Chestnut is an example of engineering life to thrive and refill its function in the ecosystem. Tortoises are other examples.

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