Periodicals>Journal Article: Negen, Sarnecka, Lee (26 July 2011), An Excel sheet for inferring children's number-knower levels from give-N data., Psychonomic Society, Retrieved on 2015-04-03Source Material []
Folksonomies: education mathematics quantification Memes
03 APR 2015
The Give-N Task for Assessing Child Number Knowledge
Children learn very early (often as young as 2 years old) to
recite the number-word list in order (Fuson, 1988). But at
the beginning, the words are merely placeholders—children
recite the list without knowing what the individual number
words mean. Over time, children fill in the words with
meaning, one at a time and in order (Carey, 2009; Sarnecka
& Lee, 2009). The child’s progress on this front is called
their number-knower level, or just knower level. A child
who does not yet know ...Folksonomies: education mathematics
Folksonomies: education mathematics
There is also an excel spreadsheet referenced inth