Electronic/World Wide Web>Blog:  White, Mike (9 October 2014 ), Perpetuating the PhD pyramid scheme, Retrieved on 2015-03-08
  • Source Material [thefinchandpea.com]
  • Folksonomies: academia phd


    08 MAR 2015

     PhD Leaves You Unprepared for Non-Academic Work

    The truth is that a life science PhD leaves you poorly prepared to get a job doing anything else: 1) Grad programs put very little emphasis on developing writing skills – you maybe write 4-5 documents (proposal, 2-3 papers, plus thesis) over seven years of grad school, with very little feedback on quality of the writing itself. 2) Life science PhDs lack quantitative and computer skills – your physicist or comp sci peers will leave you in the dust when it comes to filling non-science ‘...
    Folksonomies: education value academia phd
    Folksonomies: education value academia phd
      1  notes

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