Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Cixin, Liu (2014-11-11), The Three-Body Problem, Macmillan, Retrieved on 2015-03-05
  • Source Material []
  • Folksonomies: fiction science fiction hard science fiction


    05 MAR 2015

     Scientist on Trial for Teaching Physics

    After waiting patiently for the noise to subside, one of the male Red Guards turned to the victim. “Ye Zhetai, you are an expert in mechanics. You should see how strong the great unified force you’re resisting is. To remain so stubborn will lead only to your death! Today, we will continue the agenda from the last time. There’s no need to waste words. Answer the following question without your typical deceit: Between the years of 1962 and 1965, did you not decide on your own to add relat...
      1  notes

    During China's Cultural Revolution.

    05 MAR 2015

     Hiding Science Against the Chinese Cultural Revolution

    “Lin Lin is too smart. To work in fundamental theory, one must be stupid.” In later years, I began to understand his words more and more. Lin, you truly are too smart. Even a few years ago, you could feel the political winds shifting in academia and prepared yourself. For example, when you taught, you changed the names of many physical laws and constants: Ohm’s law you called resistance law, Maxwell’s equations you called electromagnetic equations, Planck’s constant you called the ...
      1  notes
    05 MAR 2015

     Carson's Silent Spring and the Chinese Cultural Revolution

    More than four decades later, in her last moments, Ye Wenjie would recall the influence Silent Spring had on her life. The book dealt only with a limited subject: the negative environmental effects of excessive pesticide use. But the perspective taken by the author shook Ye to the core. The use of pesticides had seemed to Ye just a normal, proper—or, at least, neutral—act, but Carson’s book allowed Ye to see that, from Nature’s perspective, their use was indistinguishable from the Cu...
      1  notes

    TODO: Is it true that the Chinese Communist regime distributed copies of Carson's book in order to have intellectuals debunk it as Capitalist propaganda?

    05 MAR 2015

     The Farmer Hypothesis

    The farmer hypothesis, on the other hand, has the flavor of a horror story: Every morning on a turkey farm, the farmer comes to feed the turkeys. A scientist turkey, having observed this pattern to hold without change for almost a year, makes the following discovery: “Every morning at eleven, food arrives.” On the morning of Thanksgiving, the scientist announces this law to the other turkeys. But that morning at eleven, food doesn’t arrive; instead, the farmer comes and kills the entire...
    Folksonomies: metaphor fable
    Folksonomies: metaphor fable
      1  notes
    05 MAR 2015

     Gradualistic Mode and Saltatory Mode

    Based on modern and contemporary history, there are two ways in which the results of fundamental scientific research can be converted into practical applications: gradualistic mode and saltatory mode. Gradualistic mode: theoretical, fundamental results are gradually applied to technology; advances accumulate until they reach a breakthrough. Recent examples include the development of space technology. Saltatory mode: theoretical, fundamental results rapidly become applied technology, leading...
    Folksonomies: science paradigms
    Folksonomies: science paradigms
      1  notes
    05 MAR 2015

     100,000-Light-Year Iron Curtain

    Scholars found that, contrary to the happy wishes of most people, it was not a good idea for the human race as a whole to make contact with extraterrestrials. The impact of such contact on human society would be divisive rather than uniting, and would exacerbate rather than mitigate the conflicts between different cultures. In summary, if contact were to occur, the internal divisions within Earth civilization would be magnified and likely lead to disaster. The most shocking conclusion of all ...
      1  notes
    05 MAR 2015

     The Monte Carlo Method and Evolutionary Algorithms

    Back then, I thought of one thing: Have you heard of the Monte Carlo method? Ah, it’s a computer algorithm often used for calculating the area of irregular shapes. Specifically, the software puts the figure of interest in a figure of known area, such as a circle, and randomly strikes it with many tiny balls, never targeting the same spot twice. After a large number of balls, the proportion of balls that fall within the irregular shape compared to the total number of balls used to hit the ci...
      1  notes
    05 MAR 2015

     A Logic Gate Made of People

    “I don’t know your names,” Von Neumann said, tapping the shoulders of two of the soldiers. “The two of you will be responsible for signal input, so I’ll call you ‘Input 1’ and ‘Input 2.’” He pointed to the last soldier. “You will be responsible for signal output, so I’ll call you ‘Output.’” He shoved the soldiers to where he wanted them to stand. “Form a triangle. Like this. Output is the apex. Input 1 and Input 2 form the base.” “You could have just told ...
      1  notes

    Used to build a computer out of an army.

    05 MAR 2015

     Science Recovers from the Chinese Cultural Revolution

    Leaving the mountains, Ye felt spring was everywhere. The cold winter of the Cultural Revolution really was over, and everything was springing back to life. Even though the calamity had just ended, everything was in ruins, and countless men and women were licking their wounds. The dawn of a new life was already evident. Students with children of their own appeared on college campuses; bookstores sold out of famous literary works; technological innovation became the focus in factories; and sci...
      1  notes
    05 MAR 2015

     We Have the Power to Accelerate Things to Near the Speed ...

    Six years ago, in the distant Trisolaran stellar system, Trisolaris accelerated two hydrogen nuclei to near the speed of light and shot them toward the solar system. These two hydrogen nuclei, or protons, arrived at the solar system two years ago, then reached the Earth.
      1  notes

    Something to consider.

    05 MAR 2015

     Alien Plot to Invade the Earth: First Undermine Faith in ...

    “Given a time gap of forty thousand hours, the strategic value of any traditional tactics of war or terror is insignificant, and they can recover from them. To effectively contain a civilization’s development and disarm it across such a long span of time, there is only one way: kill its science.” The science consul said, “The plan focuses on emphasizing the negative environmental effects of scientific development and showing signs of supernatural power to the population of Earth. In ...
    Folksonomies: science culture
    Folksonomies: science culture
      1  notes
    05 MAR 2015

     "Bug" is Not an Insult

    Look at them, the bugs. Humans have used everything in their power to extinguish them: every kind of poison, aerial sprays, introducing and cultivating their natural predators, searching for and destroying their eggs, using genetic modification to sterilize them, burning with fire, drowning with water. Every family has bug spray, every desk has a flyswatter under it … this long war has been going on for the entire history of human civilization. But the outcome is still in doubt. The bugs ha...
    Folksonomies: metaphor perspective insult
    Folksonomies: metaphor perspective insult
      1  notes

    Parent Reference