Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Frenkel, Edward (March 2, 2014), How our 1,000-year-old math curriculum cheats America's kids, LA Times, Retrieved on 2014-03-13
  • Source Material [www.latimes.com]
  • Folksonomies: education mathematics


    13 MAR 2014

     Mathematics Should be Taught Like Art

    Imagine you had to take an art class in which you were taught how to paint a fence or a wall, but you were never shown the paintings of the great masters, and you weren't even told that such paintings existed. Pretty soon you'd be asking, why study art? That's absurd, of course, but it's surprisingly close to the way we teach children mathematics. In elementary and middle school and even into high school, we hide math's great masterpieces from students' view. The arithmetic, algebraic equati...
    Folksonomies: education mathematics
    Folksonomies: education mathematics
     1  1  notes

    Instead of introducing kids to the basics, introduce them to the great works.

    13 MAR 2014

     Humans Are Abstraction Masters

    What distinguishes us from cavemen is the level of abstraction we can reach. Abstraction enabled humans to move from barter to money, and from gold coins to plastic cards. These days, what's left of "money" is often just an account record we read on a computer screen, and soon it could just be a line of code in a bitcoin ledger. Today, abstraction is all around us — and math is the language of abstraction. In the words of the great mathematician Henri Poincare, mathematics is valuable beca...
      1  notes

    The level of abstraction we can master distinguishes us from other life.

    Parent Reference