Periodicals>Journal Article:  Steinkuehler, Constance and Duncan, Sean (2008), Scientific Habits of Mind in Virtual Worlds, Springer Science Business Media, LLC 2008, J Sci Educ Technol, Retrieved on 2014-02-24
Folksonomies: science scientific method online learning


24 FEB 2014

 The Problem of Scientific Literacy

In 1905, at a gathering of the world’s greatest minds in the physical sciences, Henri Poincare´ reflected on the rapid progress of scientific inquiry and the means through which the scientific community at the turn of the twentieth century and beyond would refine our understanding of the world. In his historical address, Poincare´ warned against the seduction of reducing science to a domain of seeming facts, stating, "Science is built up of facts, as a house is built of stones; but an acc...
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We are failing students by treating science as a collection of facts rather than a method of thought.

24 FEB 2014

 MMO Players Use the Scientific Process

In MMOs, individuals collaborate to solve complex problems within the virtual world, such as figuring out what combination of individual skills, proficiencies, and equipment are necessary to conquer an in-game boss dragon in the example above. As part of developing efficient and effective solutions, players are customarily expected to research various game strategies and tactics by consulting on- and offline manuals, databases, and discussions, as well as by using such knowledge as the basis ...
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They hypothesize, collaborate, experiment and test their ideas in the virtual worlds to learn how they work.

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