Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article: Various, (2014), Ontological paradox, Wikibin, Retrieved on 2014-01-02Source Material [wikibin.org]
Folksonomies: paradox Memes
02 JAN 2014
Ontological paradox
Because of the possibility of influencing the past while time traveling, one way of explaining why history does not change is by saying that whatever has happened was meant to happen. A time traveler attempting to alter the past in this model, intentionally or not, would only be fulfilling his role in creating history, not changing it. The Novikov self-consistency principle proposes that contradictory causal loops cannot form, but that consistent ones can. This theory, however, only makes sen...A paradox of time-travel. If a person takes information back in time and gives it to someone, who becomes the originator of that information, then where did the information originate?