Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Erlauer, Laura (2003), The Brain-Compatible Classroom, Assn for Supervision & Curriculum, Retrieved on 2013-12-17
  • Source Material []
  • Folksonomies: education


    17 DEC 2013

     How Coaches and Teachers Differ

    Traditionally, coaches and teachers operate quite differently when working with groups of children. Coaches tend to teach for success. For example, suppose a coach is teaching the skill of dribbling a basketball. He or she first shows the children exactly what good, proper dribbling looks like. The demonstration may then be expanded by showing some exceptional, fancy-footwork-type dribbling that the kids may aspire to learn with extra effort. The coach shows common errors made when dribbling ...
    Folksonomies: teaching coaching
    Folksonomies: teaching coaching
      1  notes

    Coaches encourage learning through collaboration and practice, while teachers make the mistake of focusing on testable results and 'fairness.' Coaching seems like the preferable strategy.

    17 DEC 2013

     Creating a Safe Environment for Teaching

    To decrease stress for students Set clear classroom rules with predetermined consequences. Keep students' sensitive information, such as grades and personal issues, confidential. Speak respectfully to students, address them by name, get to know them as individuals, and make each person feel special. Use rubrics for assignments so students know the exact expectations for earning specific grades. Smile, have fun teaching, and show a sense of humor. To increase stress for students Delegate pun...
    Folksonomies: education teaching stress
    Folksonomies: education teaching stress
      1  notes

    Teachers can take actions to make the school environment less stressful on students or more stressful.

    Parent Reference