Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: Eno, Brian (January, 2010), The 'Authentic' has Replaced the Reproducible, Edge Foundation, Inc., Retrieved on 2010-10-01Source Material []
Folksonomies: internet technology society Memes
23 JAN 2011
How Brian Eno's Mind has Changed Through Use of the Intenet
I notice that I now digest my knowledge as a patchwork drawn from a wider range of sources than I used to. I notice too that I am less inclined to look for joined-up finished narratives and more inclined to make my own collage from what I can find. I notice that I read books more cursorily — scanning them in the same way that I scan the Net — ‘bookmarking’ them.
I notice that more of my time is spent in words and language — because that is the currency of the Net — than it was...Some observations made by the author about how his thinking and behaviors have changed through online technologies.
Parent Reference

Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: Brockman, John, ed. (January, 2010), How is the Internet Changing the Way You Think?, Edge Foundation, Inc., Retrieved on 2010-10-01Source Material []
Folksonomies: new media