Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article: Lanier, Jaron (05/24/203), Free information, as great as it sounds, will enslave us all, Quartz, Retrieved on 2013-05-24Source Material [qz.com]
Folksonomies: change automation free information Memes
24 MAY 2013
Information Aggregation as Oppression
More and more ordinary people are thrust into a winner-take-all economy. It is a 21st century reprise of the Horatio Alger stories from the 19th century. A token few will find success on Kickstarter or YouTube, while overall wealth is ever more concentrated and social mobility rots. Social media sharers can make all the noise they want, but they forfeit the real wealth and clout needed to be politically powerful. Real wealth and clout instead concentrate ever more on the shrinking island occ...Provocative idea from Lanier that by contributing to social networking sites and financial aggregates we are enslaving ourselves for other's gain.
24 MAY 2013
"Big Data" is Just Repackaging Information
The owners of the biggest computers like to think about them as big artificial brains. But actually they are simply repackaging valuable information gathered from everyone else. This is what “big data” means.
For instance, a big remote Google or Microsoft computer can translate this op-ed, more or less, from English to another language, but what is really going on is that real human translators are being made anonymous, invisible, and insecure. Real translations, made by humans, are gath...Information provided by other sources.