Survival of the Stable
Darwin's 'survival of the fittest' is really a special case of a more general
law of survival of the stable. The universe is populated by stable things.
A stable thing is a collection of atoms that is permanent enough or
common enough to deserve a name. It may be a unique collection of
atoms, such as the Matterhorn, that lasts long enough to be worth
naming. Or it may be a class of entities, such as rain drops, that come
into existence at a sufficiently high rate to deserve a collective name,...One of the characteristics of a successful species is stability.
The Origin of Life from Molecules
The account of the origin of life that I shall give is necessarily speculative;
by definition, nobody was around to see what happened. There are a
number of rival theories, but they all have certain features in common.
The simplified account I shall give is probably not too far from the truth.
We do not know what chemical raw materials were abundant on earth
before the coming of life, but among the plausible possibilities are water,
carbon dioxide, methane, and ammonia: all simple compounds ...Highlights from Dawkin's description of how molecules evolved through natural selection to eventually form life.
We are Machines that Carry Genes
We are survival machines, but 'we' does not mean just people. It
embraces all animals, plants, bacteria, and viruses. The total number of
survival machines on earth is very difficult to count and even the total
number of species is unknown. Taking just insects alone, the number of
living species has been estimated at around three million, and the
number of individual insects may be a million million million.
Different sorts of survival machine appear very varied on the outside and
in their i...The Gene's-eye view of evolution is very useful.
The Actuarial Math of Altruism
I have talked in elemental
terms of suicidal genes for saving the lives of particular numbers of kin
of exactly known relatedness. Obviously, in real life, animals cannot be
expected to count exactly how many relatives they are saving, nor to
perform Hamilton's calculations in their heads even if they had some way
of knowing exactly who their brothers and cousins were. In real life,
certain suicide and absolute 'saving' of life must be replaced by statistical
risks of death, one's own and oth...It's not just intra-species, but the closer the relative the more altruism. Also the potential to reproduce affects the relationship as well.
The Meme-Unit
It is possible that this appearance of non-particulateness is illusory, and
that the analogy with genes does not break down. After all, if we look at
the inheritance of many genetic characters such as human height or
skin-colouring, it does not look like the work of indivisible and
unblendable genes. If a black and a white person mate, their children do
not come out either black or white: they are intermediate. This does not
mean the genes concerned are not particulate. It is just that there ...Like genes, there is no particulate unit for memes. Sometimes we must look at a whole symphony, sometimes it's just a few notes.
When Memes and Genes Conflict
Memes and genes may often reinforce each other, but they sometimes
come into opposition. For example, the habit of celibacy is presumably
not inherited genetically. A gene for celibacy is doomed to failure in the
gene pool, except under very special circumstances such as we find in
the social insects. But still, a meme for celibacy can be successful in the
meme pool. For example, suppose the success of a meme depends
critically on how much time people spend in actively transmitting it to
othe...Memes can override genes, which means a meme like 'celibacy' can prevent the genes from reproducing.
Propagating Genes VS Memes
I have been a bit negative about memes, but they have their cheerful side
as well. When we die there are two things we can leave behind us: genes
and memes. We were built as gene machines, created to pass on our
genes. But that aspect of us will be forgotten in three generations. Your
child, even your grandchild, may bear a resemblance to you, perhaps in
facial features, in a talent for music, in the colour of her hair. But as
each generation passes, the contribution of your genes is halved. ...Our genes will only last in recognizable form for three generations or so, being halved with each generation; our memes, however, have the potential to live far beyond our lifetimes and have greater influence.
The Selfish Gene as a New Perspective on an Old Hypothesis
The selfish gene theory is Darwin's theory, expressed in a way that
Darwin did not choose but whose aptness, I should like to think, he
would instantly have recognized and delighted in. It is in fact a logical
outgrowth of orthodox neo-Darwinism, but expressed as a novel image.
Rather than focus on the individual organism, it takes a gene's-eye view
of nature. It is a different way of seeing, not a different theory. In the
opening pages of The Extended Phenotype, I explained this using the
me...It is Darwin's theory, but a story told from the gene's point of view.