The Power of Science Fiction
What is it that makes science fiction so appealing? What can SF accomplish that other genres cannot?
Folksonomies: philosophy science fiction media
05 JAN 2013
How Science Fiction Tackles Social Issues
Now science fiction movies are mostly just shoot-‘em-ups, but back in the day sci-fi was a medium to explore social issues. SF allowed us to examine the core elements of controversial issues without all the emotional baggage that went along with them. It’s easy to dismiss the genre when you have grown-up fans walking around in costumes and silver make-up, but SF employs disarming tools to tease core arguments from their tired rhetoric. Here pundits, smoke screens, and slogans are stripped...Folksonomies: science fiction humanism
Folksonomies: science fiction humanism
SF allows us to take a step back, drop the baggage of associations we connect to an issue, and see it in a completely new light, testing our preconceptions.
29 MAY 2012
Science Fiction Inspires
Not only is science fiction an idea of tremendous import, but it is to be an important factor in making the world a better place to live in, through educating the public to the possibilities of science and the influence of science on life which, even today, are not appreciated byu the man on the street. ... If every man, woman, boy and girl, could be induced to read science fiction right along, there would certainly be a great resulting benefit to the community, in that the educational standa...Folksonomies: science fiction
Folksonomies: science fiction
Quote from Hugo Gernsback.
22 MAR 2012
Science Fiction and Science as a Two-Way Street
Science fiction like Star Trek is not only good fun but it also serves a serious purpose, that of expanding the human imagination. We may not yet be able to boldly go where no man (or woman) has gone before, but at least we can do it in the mind. We can explore how the human spirit might respond to future developments in science and we can speculate on what those developments might be. There is a two-way trade between science fiction and science. Science fiction suggests ideas that scientists...Hawking observes that SF inspires science, but science often turns up things that are stranger than fiction.
04 JUN 2011
Carl Sagan on Science Fiction
When I was little, starting about eight, nine, 10, science fiction held enormous fascination. I couldn't read textbooks, or atleast I didn't have access to textbooks that I could read, but there was a lot of science in science fiction and it was rippling with the sense of wonder. But as I got older, and could learn some science, I found the science to be more subtle, more complex, more challenging, more full of wonder and having the additional, not inconsiderable, virtue of being true. To wha...Folksonomies: science science fiction
Folksonomies: science science fiction
It holds the sense of wonder, but science is more subtle and sophisticated and therefore took over his attention.
06 MAR 2011
Isaac Asimov on Star Trek
They speak about the mission of the Enterprise being "To boldly go--" a split infinitive I heard every single time--"To boldly go where no man has ever gone before" they mean it primarily, I suppose, in... territorially. They're visiting stars that no man has till then ever visited. Their going through vastnesses no man has ever penetrated. But in addition, they're meeting problems that man has not faced. [What] Star Trek really presented was the brotherhood of intelligence. It mattered not...The prolific science fiction author explains what was so great and inspiring about the original television series.
05 JAN 2013
Star Trek Made Me an Atheist
Periodicals>Journal Article: Farrantello, Nick (2009/07), Star Trek Made Me an Atheist, The Humanist, July / August 2009, Retrieved on 2013-01-05Source Material []
Folksonomies: science fiction humanism
Folksonomies: science fiction humanism
29 MAY 2012
Hugo Gernsback and the Century of Science Fiction
Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: Westfahl , Gary (2007), Hugo Gernsback and the Century of Science Fiction, McFarland & Company, Retrieved on 2012-05-29Source Material []
Folksonomies: science fiction
Folksonomies: science fiction
22 MAR 2012
The Physics of Star Trek
Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: Hawking , Stephen and Krauss, Lawrence (2007-07-10), The Physics of Star Trek, Basic Books (AZ), Retrieved on 2012-03-22Source Material []
Folksonomies: games
Folksonomies: games
04 JUN 2011
Fresh Air Archive: Charles Haden and Carl Sagan
Audiovisual Media>Audio Recording: Sagan , Carl and Gross, Terry (12-16-1999), Fresh Air Archive: Charles Haden and Carl Sagan, NPR Fresh Air, Retrieved on 2011-06-04
06 MAR 2011
star trek convention nyc 1973
Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Video: Asimov, Isaac and Nimoy, Leonard (Mar 2, 2011), star trek convention nyc 1973, Retrieved on 2011-03-06Source Material []