The Good Science Does Society

Memes about the good Science does the world.

Folksonomies: enlightenment science


01 JAN 2012

 The Greater Good of Science

There was a time – and very recently – when the idea of the possibility of learning the composition of the celestial bodies was considered senseless even by prominent scientists and thinkers. That time has now passed. The idea of the possibility of a closer, direct study of the universe will today, I believe, appear still wilder. To step out onto the soil of asteroids, to lift with your hand a stone on the moon, to set up moving stations in ethereal space, and establish living rings aroun...
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As described by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, who predicted space exploration through reactive vehicles and expressed his hope through a better world through his research in 1912.

08 MAY 2011

 The Good Science Does

• Despite plentiful opportunities for misuse, science can be the golden road out of poverty and backwardness for emerging nations. It makes national economies and the global civilization run. Many nations understand this. It is why so many graduate students in science and engineering at American graduate schools - still the best in the world - are from other countries. The corollary, one that the United States sometimes fails to grasp, is that abandoning science is the road back into pover...
Folksonomies: science wonder virtue hope
Folksonomies: science wonder virtue hope
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Science is a road out of poverty for nations, warns us of impending dangers, explains our origins, and encourages democracy.

04 MAY 2011

 Science Saves Lives

Even at its best, pre-modern medical practice did not save many. Queen Anne was the last Stuart monarch of Great Britain. In the last seventeen years of the seventeenth century, she was pregnant eighteen times. Only five children were born alive. Only one of them survived infancy. He died before reaching adulthood, and before her coronation in 1702. There seems to be no evidence of some genetic disorder. She had the best medical care money could buy. Diseases that once tragically carried off...
Folksonomies: science culture society
Folksonomies: science culture society
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You can pray over a sick person, or give them medicine. All the ways medical science has reduced mortality.

19 APR 2011

 Scientists Create and Thrive in a Stable Civilization

I take a different view of science as a method; to me, it enters the human spirit more directly. Therefore I have studied quite another achievement: that of making a human society work. As a set of discoveries and devices, science has mastered nature; but it has been able to do so only because its values, which derive from its method, have formed those who practice it into a living, stable and incorruptible society. Here is a community where everyone has been free to enter, to speak his mind,...
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There's a question of cause and effect in considering Bronowski's observation.

03 JAN 2011

 The Importance of Enjoying Science

Another value of science is the fun called intellectual enjoyment which some people get from reading and learning and thinking about it, and which others get from working in it. This is a very real and important point and one which is not considered enough by those who tell us it is our social responsibility to reflect on the impact of science on society. Is this mere personal enjoyment of value to society as a whole? No! But it is also a responsibility to consider the value of society itself...
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While the personal enjoyment does not contribute to society, expressing this enjoyment, organizing it for others to enjoy benefits society.


01 JAN 2012

 Selected Works of Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky

Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Tsiolkovsky , Konstantin E. (2004-11), Selected Works of Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky, Univ Pr of the Pacific, Retrieved on 2012-01-01
  • Source Material []
  • Folksonomies: science cosmism
    Folksonomies: science cosmism
    04 MAY 2011

     The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

    Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Sagan , Carl and Druyan , Ann (1997-02-25), The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, Ballantine Books, Retrieved on 2011-05-04
    19 APR 2011

     Science and Human Values

    Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Bronowski , Jacob (1965), Science and Human Values, Faber and Faber, Retrieved on 2011-04-19
    03 JAN 2011

     The Value of Science from What Do You Care What Other Peo...

    Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book Chapter:  Feynman, Richard (1988), The Value of Science from What Do You Care What Other People Think?: Further Adventures of a Curious Character, W.W. Norton and Company, Retrieved on 2010-11-13