Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Boas , Franz (1904), The history of anthropology, Retrieved on 2012-01-18
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  • Folksonomies: anthropology


    18 JAN 2012

     Objectively Viewing the Work of Anthropology

    Its [the anthropological method] power to make us understand the roots from which our civilization has sprung, that it impresses us with the relative value of all forms of culture, and thus serves as a check to an exaggerated valuation of the standpoint of our own period, which we are only too liable to consider the ultimate goal of human evolution, thus depriving ourselves of the benefits to be gained from the teachings of other cultures and hindering an objective criticism of our own work.
    Folksonomies: objectivity anthropology
    Folksonomies: objectivity anthropology
      1  notes

    Requires scientists to understand the origins of civilization in perspective of our own place in history.

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