Electronic/World Wide Web>Wiki:  Various, (2012), Romanticism Versus Enlightenment, tvtropes.org, Retrieved on 2012-01-09
  • Source Material [tvtropes.org]
  • Folksonomies: enlightenment romanticism


    09 JAN 2012

     Types of Romanticism VS Enlightenment

    Compare to: Mother Nature, Father Science: Romanticism is aligned with Nature, Enlightenment with Science. Related to this, as the trope suggests Nature is inherently 'feminine' and Science inherently 'masculine'. Depending on how the work treats these dynamics, Closer to Earth may make an appearance. Elves Versus Dwarves: Elves are Romantic, Dwarves are Enlightened. Emotions vs. Stoicism: Romanticism accepts emotions as the only true way to understand the world, Enlightenment may believe t...
    Folksonomies: enlightenment romanticism
    Folksonomies: enlightenment romanticism
      1  notes

    This conflict shows up in entertainment as Elves VS Dwarves, Nature VS Science, Harmony VS Discipline, etc, etc.

    Parent Reference