Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: Sachs , Joe (1995-03-01), Aristotle's Physics: A Guided Study (Masterworks of Discovery), Rutgers University Press, Retrieved on 2011-05-31Source Material []
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31 MAY 2011
Movement According to Aristotle
241b 34 Every moving thing must be moved by something. For if it does not have the source of its motion in itself, it is clear that it is moved by something else (for another 40 thing will be the mover); but if it is in itself, let AB be taken, which is moving in its own right, and not by means of some part of it being moved. First, then, to suppose that AB is moved by itself since the whole is moved and by nothing outside it,would be as if, when KL was moving LM and was itself moving, one we...Chains of events put into a basic logic. There are the beginnings of understanding here, but he doesn't know how to break it down properly.
31 MAY 2011
Aristotle's Attempt to Categorize Motion
11 Now everything that changes place is moved either by itself or by something else. In as many of these as are moved by themselves, it is obvious that the moved and mover are together, since the first mover is present in them, so that nothing is in-between. But as many as are moved by other things must come about in four ways, for there are four kinds of change of place by means of something else: pulling, pushing, carrying, and whirling. For all motions with respect to place lead back to th...His efforts to build a taxonomy of motion demonstrates the difficulty of properly classifying things as a foundation to building hypotheses.
31 MAY 2011
Aristotle on Knowing
184a Since, in all pursuits in which there are sources or causes or elements, it is by way of our acquaintance with these that knowing and understanding come to us (for we regard ourselves as knowing each thing whenever we are acquainted with its first causes and first beginnings, even down to its elements), it is clear that also for the knowledge of nature one must first try to mark out what pertains to its sources. On the other hand, the natural road is from what is more familiar and cleare...He suggests going from the general to the particular, when modern science is about going from the particulars to the general.
01 JUN 2011
Aristotle on Chance in Nature
There are some who make chance responsible for this cosmos and all worlds. For they say that by chance there came about a vortex and a motion of separating out and settling into this arrangement of the whole. And this itself is in fact mightily worth 30 wondering at. For they are saying that animals and plants neither are nor come to be by fortune, but that either nature or Intellect or some other such thing is the cause (for what comes into being from each seed is not whatever falls out, but...An ancient perspective on the question of naturalism and creationism.