Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Video:  Storied, (2024), How Cults Use Language to Control, Retrieved on 2025-01-13
  • Source Material [www.youtube.com]
  • Folksonomies: persuasion language cults propaganda coercion


    13 JAN 2025

     Thought Terminating Cliche

    Another trick in the cult leader's language toolkit is the thought-terminating cliche. These are sayings that end uncomfortable conversations or trains of thoughts. "It is what it is." "Everything happens for a reason." "Let's agree to disagree." They shut down argument and critical thinking, which is why they're so handy to authoritarians who don't like to be questioned. Charles Manson countered any rational objections to his ravings by saying, "No sense makes sense." Try arguing with that. ...
      1  notes
    13 JAN 2025

     How Capitalists Use the Language of Cults

    In her book, Montell offers evidence that these linguistic tactics have seeped out from cults and into wider society. Propelled by capitalist demands and the reach of social media, the language of cults, she says, is now everywhere. If you question the business model of a multi-level marketing scheme, well, that's just "stinkin' thinkin'," a thought-terminating cliche popular with MLMs like Amway. Similarly, when the predictions of QAnon and other conspiracy theorists don't come to pass, foll...
      1  notes

    Parent Reference