Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Caufield, Mike (October 2015), The Garden and the Stream: A Technopastoral, Retrieved on 2023-01-05
  • Source Material [hapgood.us]
  • Folksonomies: web topology world wide web media distraction


    05 JAN 2023

     The Garden and the Stream as Metaphors for WWW

    The Garden is an old metaphor associated with hypertext. Those familiar with the history will recognize this. The Garden of Forking Paths from the mid-20th century. The concept of the Wiki Gardener from the 1990s. Mark Bernstein’s 1998 essay Hypertext Gardens. The Garden is the web as topology. The web as space. It’s the integrative web, the iterative web, the web as an arrangement and rearrangement of things to one another. Things in the Garden don’t collapse to a single set of relat...
     1  1  notes

    The author will later call the memex the original garden.

    Parent Reference