Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Dickens , Charles (2010-09-23), (The Original) To be Taken with a Grain of Salt, ADB Publishing, Retrieved on 2011-05-17
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  • Folksonomies: skepticism classics


    17 MAY 2011

     Charles Dickens on Visions

    I have always noticed a prevalent want of courage, even among persons of superior intelligence and culture, as to imparting their own psychological experiences when those have been of a strange sort. Almost all men are afraid that what they could relate in such wise would find no parallel or response in a listener's internal life, and might be suspected or laughed at. A truthful traveller who should have seen some extraordinary creature in the likeness of a sea-serpent, would have no fear of ...
    Folksonomies: skepticism
    Folksonomies: skepticism
      1  notes

    The problem with visions only experienced by a single person.

    Parent Reference