Periodicals>Newspaper Article:  Kumar, Aishwarya (2019-09-13), The Grandmaster Diet: How to lose weight while barely moving,, Retrieved on 2019-11-07
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  • Folksonomies: health chess


    07 NOV 2019

     How Chess Taxes the Body

    In 2004, winner Rustam Kasimdzhanov walked away from the six-game world championship having lost 17 pounds. In October 2018, Polar, a U.S.-based company that tracks heart rates, monitored chess players during a tournament and found that 21-year-old Russian grandmaster Mikhail Antipov had burned 560 calories in two hours of sitting and playing chess -- or roughly what Roger Federer would burn in an hour of singles tennis. Robert Sapolsky, who studies stress in primates at Stanford University,...
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