Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Yu, James (2018), Hyperliterature, Retrieved on 2019-03-02
  • Source Material [www.jamesyu.org]
  • Folksonomies: new media hyperliterature


    02 MAR 2019

     Examples of Hyperliterature

    17776: What football will look like in the future by Jon Bois — SB Nation A serial piece about space probes in the far future that have gained sentience and are watching humanity play an evolved form of American football. GIFs, animations, and found digital media galore. Adrien Brody by Marie Calloway An account of the author’s romantic relationship with a married journalist, Adrien Brody. Told via emails, texts, and other exchanges. Breathe by Kate Pullinger A ghost story in tap format ...
    Folksonomies: new media hyperliterature
    Folksonomies: new media hyperliterature
      1  notes

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