Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Morgans, Julian (July 27, 2016), That 'S' Thing Everyone Drew in School, WHAT IS IT?, Retrieved on 2016-09-09
  • Source Material [www.vice.com]
  • Folksonomies: memetics


    09 SEP 2016

     Why Did Everyone Draw that Fancy "S" in Grade School

    "The reason kids go through this is probably because it's a Moebius strip," he said, referring to the sort of looped one-surface shapes Escher was fond of drawing. "It can't be drawn continuously, but it does have a perpetual flow." I think he was on to something. Most nine-year-olds can't draw, so when someone hands them a magical recipe to create something fairly cool, on demand—that'll go viral. Especially when the shape has the sophisticated, mathematical lineage of a Moebius strip. Yes...
    Folksonomies: memetics meme
    Folksonomies: memetics meme
      1  notes

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