Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Dewey , John (1916), Democracy and Education, Retrieved on 2016-06-15
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  • Folksonomies: education philosophy


    15 JUN 2016

     Living Things Renew Themselves

    Renewal of Life by Transmission. The most notable distinction between living and inanimate things is that the former maintain themselves by renewal. A stone when struck resists. If its resistance is greater than the force of the blow struck, it remains outwardly unchanged. Otherwise, it is shattered into smaller bits. Never does the stone attempt to react in such a way that it may maintain itself against the blow, much less so as to render the blow a contributing factor to its own continued a...
    Folksonomies: life entropy syntropy
    Folksonomies: life entropy syntropy
     1  1  notes

    Parent Reference