Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Sicoe, Veronica (Nov 15, 2014), TOP 5 WORLDBUILDING MUST-HAVES, Retrieved on 2015-03-21
  • Source Material [www.scifiideas.com]
  • Folksonomies: writing science fiction


    21 MAR 2015

     World-Building Questions

    1. BASIC INFRASTRUCTURE There can be no human (or alien) civilization or settlement without plumbing, energy supply, or waste disposal. So you need to spend at least a little bit figuring out how all of this worksunderneath your story’s setting. How do your characters eat? How do they transport and store food? How is waste handled? Where does the water come from? Who provides the clothes and shoes (or gear)? What money system is there? Is there a single currency? Several? Electronic mo...
    Folksonomies: writing science fiction
    Folksonomies: writing science fiction
      1  notes

    Parent Reference