Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: Weir, Andy (2014-02-11), The Martian, Broadway Books, Retrieved on 2015-03-18Source Material [books.google.com]
Folksonomies: fiction Memes
18 MAR 2015
Altruism is a Basic Human Instinct
The cost for my survival must have been hundreds of millions of dollars. All to save one dorky botanist. Why bother?
Well, okay. I know the answer to that. Part of it might be what I represent: progress, science, and the interplanetary future we’ve dreamed of for centuries. But really, they did it because every human being has a basic instinct to help each other out. It might not seem that way sometimes, but it’s true.
If a hiker gets lost in the mountains, people will coordinate a sear...Folksonomies: altruism
Folksonomies: altruism