Periodicals>Magazine Article:  Economist, (Oct 29th 2011), Nope, just debt, Retrieved on 2015-03-08
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  • Folksonomies: academia debt student loans


    08 MAR 2015

     Student Loans will Exceed $1 Trillion

    Two things, however, are clear. The size of student debt is vast (see chart), and lots of borrowers are struggling. More than 10m students took out loans for the latest academic year, according to a report issued on October 26th by the College Board, a consortium of academic institutions. Almost a third of students graduating from college, and 69% of the ones dropping out, hold debt tied to their education. The total amount of debt is staggering. The New York Federal Reserve Bank puts it at ...
    Folksonomies: academia debt student loans
    Folksonomies: academia debt student loans
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