Electronic/World Wide Web>Blog:  Kelly, Kevin , Evidence of a Global SuperOrganism, The Technium Blog, Retrieved on 2013-11-15
  • Source Material [kk.org]
  • Folksonomies: emergence consciousness


    15 NOV 2013

     How Do You Find Emergent Intelligence on the Internet?

    How would we know if there was an autonomous conscious superorganism? We would need a Turing Test for a global AI. But the Turing Test is flawed for this search because it is meant to detect human-like intelligence, and if a consciousness emerged at the scale of a global megacomputer, its intelligence would unlikely to be anything human-like. We might need to turn to SETI, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI), for guidance. By definition, it is a test for non-human intelligence...
      1  notes

    How would you communicate with it? How would it reveal itself?

    15 NOV 2013

     The Internet as a Superorganism

    If the cloud is a vast array of personal computer processors, then why not add your own laptop or desktop computer to it? It in a certain way it already is. Whenever you are online, whenever you click on a link, or create a link, your processor is participating in the yet larger cloud, the cloud of all computer chips online. I call this cloud the One Machine because in many ways it acts as one supermegacomputer. The majority of the content of the web is created within this one virtual compu...
    Folksonomies: intelligence emergence
    Folksonomies: intelligence emergence
      1  notes

    Built from a gazillion chips coordinating to distribute content, memes, calculations.

    Parent Reference