Electronic/World Wide Web>Blog: Haack, Phil (Oct 21, 2013), Argue Well By Losing, Retrieved on 2013-10-22Source Material [haacked.com]
Folksonomies: debate logic argument Memes
22 OCT 2013
The Point of Argument
The point of a good argument isn’t for one person to simply win over the other. It’s ideally for both to come away with cognitive gains.
Even if the goal of an argument is to reach a decision, the goal isn’t to win, the goal is to define the parameters for a good decision and then make the best possible decision with that in mind.
I’ve come to believe that when two reasonably smart people disagree on a subject, at the core, it is often because one of the following:
One or both of the ...The goal should be to define the parameters of where everyone can agree.