Periodicals>Journal Article:  Glass, Maddox, Love (2013), Real-Time Strategy Game Training: Emergence of a Cognitive Flexibility Trait, Public Library of Science, Retrieved on 2013-08-26
  • Source Material []
  • Folksonomies: video games neuroplasticity


    26 AUG 2013

     Starcraft and Neuroplasticity

    Prior experimental investigation of the cognitive consequences of video gaming provides evidence that cognitive and perceptual changes occur in those who transition from non-gamers to gamers. Specifically, training on action games (e.g., first-person, fast paced, kill-or-be-killed situations) has been linked to enhanced core perceptual processing [10], [11]. Action video game novices assigned to action video game training experience a number of benefits, including higher contrast sensitivity ...
      1  notes

    Design of an experiment to determine if the realtime strategy game improves cognition.

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