Periodicals>Journal Article:  Robertson, Rehage, Sih (5 June 2013), Ecological novelty and the emergence of evolutionary traps, Trend in Ecology Evolution, Retrieved on 2013-06-05
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    05 JUN 2013

     We Need to Take into Account Evolutionary Traps

    Human-induced rapid environmental change (HIREC; e.g., climate change or exotic species) has caused global species declines. Although behavioral plasticity has buffered some species against HIREC, maladaptive behavioral scenarios called ‘evolutionary traps’ are increasingly common, threatening the persistence of affected species. Here, we review examples of evolutionary traps to identify their anthropogenic causes, behavioral mechanisms, and evolutionary bases, and to better forecast form...
      1  notes

    When we modify the environment. In order to do that, we must better understand these traps.

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