Proceedings of Meetings and Symposia>Speech:  Mayer, Marissa (May 2013), Yahoo Event, May 2013, Retrieved on 2013-05-24
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    24 MAY 2013

     No Such Thing as Professional Photographers

    ...there’s no such thing as Flickr Pro, because today, with cameras as pervasive as they are, there is no such thing really as professional photographers, when there’s everything is professional photographers. Certainly there is varying levels of skills, but we didn’t want to have a Flickr Pro anymore, we wanted everyone to have professional quality photos, space, and sharing.
     1  1  notes

    The Yahoo CEO took a lot of heat for this comment, but there is a great deal of truth to it. With digital photography, photographs are so pervasive that professionals are now competing with a horde of amateurs.

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