Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article: Cortese, Franco (April 05, 2013), H Poetry: One Chilld Closser too God, H , Retrieved on 2013-04-10Source Material [transhumanity.net]
Folksonomies: poetry transhuman transhumanity post human Memes
10 APR 2013
Transhuman Poetry
in these parageometric s[kins] which are all and n[e]i[ther] body- mod, ap[per]al, hyperspective [m]ult[is]pec[t]ral movie, trans- ontic simverse and non-self-m[ode]ling l{i}fe-[for]m, once-state friends and l[over]s now flaunting (fo[re)ign] and queer[star]k these hybrid murges of con.crete noetics and commpack’d abs[tract] me.metics which you vehe(ment)ly op.pose – that is, if you s[till] [eve]n have the neurochitectronics to persieve, mödel, mentour and understand their overlying [imp...A snippet of very interesting poetry in a transhumanist theme, but also with a very unusual style.