Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Holt, Jim (Feb. 12, 1998), Big-Bang Theology, slate.com, Retrieved on 2013-03-15
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  • Folksonomies: history science theology


    15 MAR 2013

     Einstein's "Biggest Blunder"

    For much of the modern era, scientists followed Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, and Isaac Newton in believing the cosmos to be eternal and unchanging. But in 1917, when Albert Einstein applied his theory of relativity to space-time as a whole, his equations implied that the universe could not be static; it must be either expanding or contracting. This struck Einstein as grotesque, so he added to his theory a fiddle factor called the "cosmological constant" that eliminated the implicatio...
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    The story of how Einstein's belief in a static Universe prompted him to introduce a fudge-factor in his Theory of Relativity, the Cosmological Constant.

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