24 NOV 2015 by ideonexus
How to Improve Self-Control in Schools
Make school more demanding for all students
In its coverage of U.S. secondary education, the popular press tends to focus on two relatively small groups: students headed for elite colleges (many of whom are under tremendous stress and pressure) and students at risk for dropping out (many of whom come from the most disadvantaged communities).
These stories are important to tell, but they leave out the vast majority of students, who don't fall into either of these extremes. These high school st...Folksonomies: self control
Folksonomies: self control
28 JUL 2011 by ideonexus
Children With Self-Control Do Better in Life
A healthy, well-adjusted preschooler sits down at a table in front of two giant, freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. It’s not a kitchen table—it’s Walter Mischel’s Stanford lab during the late 1960s. The smell is heavenly. “You see these cookies?” Mischel says. “You can eat just one of them right now if you want, but if you wait, you can eat both. I have to go away for five minutes. If I return and you have not eaten anything, I will let you have bothcookies. If you eat on...Children who can resist eating a cookie long enough to be rewarded with a second one have much higher SAT scores.