21 JAN 2014 by ideonexus
Common Sense Does Not Predict
Common sense ... has the very curious property of being more correct retrospectively than prospectively. It seems to me that one of the principal criteria to be applied to successful science is that its results are almost always obvious retrospectively; unfortunately, they seldom are prospectively. Common sense provides a kind of ultimate validation after science has completed its work; it seldom anticipates what science is going to discover. Science predicts, common sense comes along afterwards.
29 AUG 2011 by ideonexus
Common Sense Doesn't Work With Science
Common sense … has the very curious property of being more correct retrospectively than prospectively. It seems to me that one of the principal criteria to be applied to successful science is that its results are almost always obvious retrospectively; unfortunately, they seldom are prospectively. Common sense provides a kind of ultimate validation after science has completed its work; it seldom anticipates what science is going to discover. Russell Lincoln Ackoff quote about how common sense makes no predictions and relies on hindsight for validity, while it rarely predicts what science will discover.
17 JUN 2011 by ideonexus
People Should not be Prevented from Using Common Sense
If the people could comprehend the abyss in which this ignorance casts them, they would doubtless throw off the yoke of these venal minds, since it is impossible for Reason to act without immediately discovering the Truth. It is to prevent the good effects that would certainly follow, that they depict it as a monster incapable of inspiring any good sentiment, and however we may censure in general those who are not reasonable, we must nevertheless be persuaded that Truth is quite perverted. Th...The abyss in which ignorance casts people and the idea that truth is perversion among the faithful.