10 FEB 2018 by ideonexus
Microcosm of Imagination
Brooding, she changed the pool into the sea, and made the minnows into sharks and whales, and cast vast clouds over this tiny world by holding her hand against the sun, and so brought darkness and desolation, like God himself, to millions of ignorant and innocent creatures, and then took her hand away suddenly and let the sun stream down.01 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
Sagan's Positive View of Advance Alien Civilizations
It is at this point that the ultimate significance of dolphins in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence emerges. It is not a question of whether we are emotionally prepared in the long run to confront a message from the stars. It is whether we can develop a sense that beings with quite different evolutionary histories, beings who may look far different from us, even "monstrous," may, nevertheless, be worthy of friendship and reverence, brotherhood and trust. We have far to go; while th...We need to understand animal minds as practice for understanding alien ones.
16 SEP 2011 by ideonexus
Hippopotamus as Closest Relative to the Whale
good candidate is the hippopotamus, which, although closely related to terrestrial mammals, is about as aquatic as a land mammal can get. (There are two species, the pygmy hippo and the “regular” hippo, whose scientific name is, appropriately, Hippopotamus amphibius.) Hippos spend most of their time submerged in tropical rivers and swamps, surveying their domain with eyes, noses, and ears that sit atop their head, all of which can be tightly closed underwater. Hippos mate in the water, an...Folksonomies: evolution transition
Folksonomies: evolution transition
A list of the traits hippos exhibit that make the land mammal a likely candidate for being related to the whale.
19 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
The Evolution of Whales from Land to Sea
Whales were long an enigma, but recently our knowledge of whale evolution has become rather rich. Molecular genetic evidence (see Chapter 10 for the nature of this kind of evidence) shows that the closest living cousins of whales are hippos, then pigs, then ruminants. Even more surprisingly, the molecular evidence shows that hippos are more closely related to whales than they are to the cloven-hoofed animals (such as pigs and ruminants) which look much more like them. This is another example ...The opposite of sea animals evolving to live on land.
29 MAR 2011 by ideonexus
Creating a "Seed" of Civilization's Knowledge
I’ve been thinking of civilization (the technium) as a life form, as a self-replicating structure. I began to wonder what is the smallest seed into which you could reduce the "genes" of civilization, and have it unfold again, sufficient that it could also make another seed again. That is, what is the smallest seed of the technium that is viable? It must be a seed able to grow to reproduction age and express itself as a full-fledge civilization and have offspring itself -- another replicatin...Folksonomies: knowledge civilization
Folksonomies: knowledge civilization
Is there a way to compress a balanced essence of civilization's knowledge into a package that would allow it to reproduce?