24 DEC 2013 by ideonexus
Our Relationship to Our Thinking
I invite you to pay attention to anything—the sight of this text, the sensation of breathing, the feeling of your body resting against your chair—for a mere sixty seconds without getting distracted by discursive thought. It sounds simple enough: Just pay attention. The truth, however, is that you will find the task impossible. If the lives of your children depended on it, you could not focus on anything—even the feeling of a knife at your throat—for more than a few seconds, before you...Folksonomies: thinking mindfulness meditation
Folksonomies: thinking mindfulness meditation
Sam Harris on mindfulness in the many religious traditions.
12 JUN 2012 by ideonexus
What is a Scientist?
What is a scientist?… We give the name scientist to the type of man who has felt experiment to be a means guiding him to search out the deep truth of life, to lift a veil from its fascinating secrets, and who, in this pursuit, has felt arising within him a love for the mysteries of nature, so passionate as to annihilate the thought of himself.One so in love with nature as to lose oneself in exploring it.
28 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
Don't Be Discouraged by the Complexity of Nature
Far from becoming discouraged, the philosopher should applaud nature, even when she appears miserly of herself or overly mysterious, and should feel pleased that as he lifts one part of her veil, she allows him to glimpse an immense number of other objects, all worthy of investigation. For what we already know should allow us to judge of what we will be able to know; the human mind has no frontiers, it extends proportionately as the universe displays itself; man, then, can and must attempt al...Maintain the enthusiasm that investigation will reveal all her secrets.