24 APR 2012 by ideonexus
It is Wrong to Compare Man's Pettiness to the Majesty of ...
It has become a cheap intellectual pastime to contrast the infinitesimal pettiness of man with the vastnesses of the stellar universes. Yet all such comparisons are illicit. We cannot compare existence and meaning; they are disparate. The characteristic life of a man is itself the meaning of vast stretches of existences, and without it the latter have no value or significance. There is no common measure of physical existence and conscious experience because the latter is the only measure ther...Because we are comparing existence and meaning.
06 MAR 2011 by ideonexus
Isaac Asimov on Star Trek
They speak about the mission of the Enterprise being "To boldly go--" a split infinitive I heard every single time--"To boldly go where no man has ever gone before" they mean it primarily, I suppose, in... territorially. They're visiting stars that no man has till then ever visited. Their going through vastnesses no man has ever penetrated. But in addition, they're meeting problems that man has not faced.
[What] Star Trek really presented was the brotherhood of intelligence. It mattered not...The prolific science fiction author explains what was so great and inspiring about the original television series.