29 MAY 2012 by ideonexus

 Geology is a Healthy Science

Apart from its healthful mental training as a branch of ordinary education, geology as an open-air pursuit affords an admirable training in habits of observation, furnishes a delightful relief from the cares and routine of everyday life, takes us into the open fields and the free fresh face of nature, leads us into all manner of sequestered nooks, whither hardly any other occupation or interest would be likely to send us, sets before us problems of the highest interest regarding the history o...
Folksonomies: geology
Folksonomies: geology
  1  notes

It gets you out in the open air and trains you in virtues of observation.

25 JUL 2011 by ideonexus

 God Spent a Day on Light, Much Less Time On Fruit

Now God on the first day of creation created light only, giving to that work an entire day, in which no material substance was created. So must we likewise from experience of every kind first endeavor to discover true causes and axioms; and seek for experiments of Light, not for experiments of Fruit. For axioms rightly discovered and established supply practice with its instruments, not one by one, but in clusters, and draw after them trains and troops of works.
Folksonomies: principles fundamentals
Folksonomies: principles fundamentals
  1  notes

So should we spend time on causes and axioms rather than works.