21 JAN 2014 by ideonexus

 Science Does Not Require Talent

Anyone of common mental and physical health can practise scientific research .... Anyone can try by patient experiment what happens if this or that substance be mixed in this or that proportion with some other under this or that condition. Anyone can vary the experiment in any number of ways. He that hits in this fashion on something novel and of use will have fame .... The fame will be the product of luck and industry. It will not be the product of special talent.
Folksonomies: scientific method process
Folksonomies: scientific method process
  1  notes

It is a simple process of thoroughness, any discoveries are just luck.

10 JUN 2011 by ideonexus

 Patience, Attentiveness, and Thoroughness are Naturalist ...

Each branch of natural history study demands its special abilities: the superior ear of the birdwatcher, the attention to minute detail of the entomologist, the courage of the herpetologist wading into swamps full of poisonous snakes. But some “field skills” are nearly ubiquitous. Perhaps the most important are patience, perseverance, thoroughness and attentiveness. The birdwatcher searching for that one rare gull on a pond among seven hundred common ones may have to watch for hours in bi...
Folksonomies: nature virtue naturalism
Folksonomies: nature virtue naturalism
  1  notes

Without them the naturalist would miss the rarities in nature.