19 JAN 2016 by ideonexus
Chomsky on the Failure of Postmodernism to Simplify
Since no one has succeeded in showing me what I'm missing, we're left with the second option: I'm just incapable of understanding. I'm certainly willing to grant that it may be true, though I'm afraid I'll have to remain suspicious, for what seem good reasons. There are lots of things I don't understand -- say, the latest debates over whether neutrinos have mass or the way that Fermat's last theorem was (apparently) proven recently. But from 50 years in this game, I have learned two things: (...Folksonomies: postmodernism
Folksonomies: postmodernism
18 JUN 2013 by ideonexus
The Mathematical Image
The proof is elegant and the result profound. Still, it is typical mathematics; so,
it’s a good example to reflect upon. In doing so, we will begin to see the elements
of the mathematical image, the standard conception of what mathematics is. Let’s
begin a list of some commonly accepted aspects. By ‘commonly accepted’ I mean
that they would be accepted by most working mathematicians, by most educated
people, and probably by most philosophers of mathematics, as well. In listing
them as...Folksonomies: mathematics philosophy
Folksonomies: mathematics philosophy
How mathematics provides certainty, objectivity,
18 JUN 2013 by ideonexus
Proof That the Set of Prime Numbers is Infinite
Theorem: There are infinitely many prime numbers.
Proof: Suppose, contrary to the theorem, that there is only a finite number
of primes. Thus, there will be a largest which we can call p. Now
define a number n as 1 plus the product of all the primes:
n = (2 X 3 X 5 X 7 X 11 X...X p) 1
Is n itself prime or composite? If it is prime then our original supposition
is false, since n is larger than the supposed largest prime p. So now
let’s consider it composite. This means that it must be div...There is always one larger.
19 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Conjecture versus Theorem
Mathematicians use the idea of proof to make a distinction between a 'conjecture' and a
'theorem', which bears a superficial resemblance to the OED's distinction between the two senses of
'theory'. A conjecture is a proposition that looks true but has never been proved. It will become a
theorem when it has been proved. A famous example is the Goldbach Conjecture, which states that
any even integer can be expressed as the sum of two primes. Mathematicians have failed to
disprove it for all eve...in mathematics and how it applies to scientific "theory".