01 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
Space Flight May Mature Us as a Civilization
In all the history of mankind, there will be only one generation that will be first
to explore the Solar System, one generation for which, in childhood, the planets
are distant and indistinct discs moving through the night sky, and for which, in old
age, the planets are places, diverse new worlds in the course of exploration.
There will be a time in our future history when the Solar System will be
explored and inhabited. To them, and to all who come after us, the present
moment will be a piv...It's the first step in realizing our place in the bigger picture.
01 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
The Military is Good For Space Exploration
The experience of space exploration gives no unique philosophy; to some
extent, each group tends to see its own philosophical view reflected, and not
always by the soundest logic: Nikita Khrushchev stressed that in the space flight of
Yuri Gagarin no angels or other supernatural beings were detected; and, in almost
perfect counterpoint, the Apollo 8 astronauts read from lunar orbit the Babylonian
cosmogony enshrined in Genesis, Chapter 1, as if to reassure their American
audience that the exp...The competition against other militaries unites them against the public. Space flight would move them into a peacetime occupation.
28 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
The Thrill of Landing on a New Planet
To ANYONE who has been in space and experienced its changelessness, the real excitement of space flight comes when it is time to land on a new planet. The ground speeds backward under you as you catch glimpses of land and water, of geometrical areas and lines that might represent fields and roads. You become aware of the green of growing things, the gray of concrete, the brown of bare ground, the white of snow. Most of all, there is the excitement of populated conglomerates; cities which, on ...Folksonomies: space travel adventuring
Folksonomies: space travel adventuring
Each planet has its own distinct characteristics that are a welcome sight after spending a long time in the abyss of space.