29 NOV 2016 by ideonexus
Earthseed 56-60
56. When vision fails
When vision failsDirection is lost.
When direction is lostPurpose may be forgotten.
When purpose is forgottenEmotion rules alone.
When emotion rules alone,Destruction…destruction.
∞ = Δ
57. Self is
Self is.Self is body and bodilyperception. Self is thought, memory,belief. Self creates. Self destroys. Selflearns, discovers, becomes. Selfshapes. Self adapts. Self invents itsown reasons for being. To shapeGod, shape Self.
∞ = Δ
58. Immortal Life
Take comfort...29 NOV 2016 by ideonexus
Earthseed 21-30
21. What a living world will demand
There is no endTo what a living worldWill demand of you.
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22. Earthlife
We are Earthseed. We are flesh—self aware,questing, problem-solving flesh. We are thataspect of Earthlife best able to shape Godknowingly. We are Earthlife maturing, Earthlifepreparing to fall away from the parent world.We are Earthlife preparing to take root innew ground, Earthlife fulfilling its purpose,its promise, its Destiny.
∞ = Δ
23. A Phoenix
In order to riseFrom i...Folksonomies: earthseed
Folksonomies: earthseed