21 JUN 2012 by ideonexus

 Scientific Knowledge is the Only Thing That Gets Better

No history of civilization can be tolerably complete which does not give considerable space to the explanation of scientific progress. If we had any doubts about this, it would suffice to ask ourselves what constitutes the essential difference between our and earlier civilizations. Throughout the course of history, in every period, and in almost every country, we find a small number of saints, of great artists, of men of science. The saints of to-day are not necessarily more saintly than thos...
Folksonomies: science culture knowledge
Folksonomies: science culture knowledge
  2  notes

Art, religion, and scientists are all of the same caliber throughout history, the only difference is the wealth of knowledge they have access to grows larger all the time.

31 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 We Should have a Saints Day for Penicillin

... we ought to have saints' days to commemorate the great discoveries which have been made for all mankind, and perhaps for all time—or for whatever time may be left to us. Nature ... is a prodigal of pain. I should like to find a day when we can take a holiday, a day of jubilation when we can fête good Saint Anaesthesia and chaste and pure Saint Antiseptic. ... I should be bound to celebrate, among others, Saint Penicillin...
Folksonomies: wonder medicine
Folksonomies: wonder medicine
  1  notes

A Quote from Winston Churchill on the need to celebrate medical discoveries that easy human suffering.

03 JAN 2011 by ideonexus

 Miracles Should be Investigated to Improve Upon Them

Now, it might be true that astrology is right. It might be true that if you go to the dentist on the day that Mars is at right angles to Venus, that it is better than if you go on a different day. It might be true that you can be cured by the miracle of Lourdes. But if it is true it ought to be investigated. Why? To improve it. If it is true then maybe we can find out if the stars do influence life; that we could make the system more powerful by investigating statistically, scientifically jud...
Folksonomies: science miracles skepticism
Folksonomies: science miracles skepticism
  1  notes

If there are miracles, then we should investigate them in order to figure out how to make them better, in order to figure out how to best take advantage of them.