19 JUN 2013 by ideonexus

 Argument Frames

Functioning as a progressive or conservative means having a stock of general argument frames that are used not just on one issue but on many issues. That is why someone attuned to politics can immediately understand or construct a “new” argument as soon as a new issue arises. The “new” argument is not really new at all. It is an instance of a general argument frame with a new issue-defining frame plugged in, and sometimes a new commonplace frame or surface frame. But the overall struc...
Folksonomies: debate argument framing
Folksonomies: debate argument framing
  1  notes

Liberals and Conservatives have a framework on which to quickly build arguments for/against new issues.

19 JAN 2013 by ideonexus

 Post Modernism Leads to Totalitarianism

There is objective truth to be learned by observation, and the knowledge gained gives power that other "ways of knowing" have not. But the more dangerous problem with postmodernist thinking is its a priori nature. Not truth, but a political goal has to be served—in this particular case the goal of openness, or tolerance without judgment. But without acknowledgi objective truth, all arguments become rhetorical and therefore can go on forever—and we are either paralyzed by it or we must res...
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When facts are relative and belief makes reality, then the best strategy is to hold to your belief uncompromisingly.