16 JUL 2013 by ideonexus

 DNA Divergence is in How You Count

It’s a common misconception that chimp DNA differs from Homo sapiens sapiens genes by only a single percent, but this number is apocryphal. In actuality, the degree of similarity of human and chimp genetic code depends mostly on how you count. Since all complex organisms from Earth possess great swaths of junk DNA inherited from a distant common ancestor, there tends to be startling similarity between many organisms. Sure, humans are like chimps—but they’re also like flatworms and fruit...
Folksonomies: dna genetic drift
Folksonomies: dna genetic drift
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There's much more to the differences between Chimps and Humans than counting genes.

11 JUN 2012 by ideonexus

 Language is Alive

Language is simply alive, like an organism. We all tell each other this, in fact, when we speak of living languages, and I think we mean something more than an abstract metaphor. We mean alive. Words are the cells of language, moving the great body, on legs. Language grows and evolves, leaving fossils behind. The individual words are like different species of animals. Mutations occur. Words fuse, and then mate. Hybrid words and wild varieties or compound words are the progeny. Some mixed word...
Folksonomies: evolution language
Folksonomies: evolution language
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It evolves, leaves fossils, speciates, etc.

08 FEB 2011 by ideonexus

 Distinguishing the Meme Content from the Meme's Effect on...

[Cloak] defined the i-culture as the instructions in people's heads, and the m-culture as the features of people's behaviour, their technology and social organization. he explicitly likened his i-culture to the genotype and m-culture to the phenotype... in The Extended Phenotype [Dawkins] says 'Unfortunately, unlike Cloak... I was insufficiently clear about the distinction between the meme itself, as replicator, on the one hand, and its "phenotypic effects" or "meme products" on the other' (D...
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A survey of different scientists exploring varying metaphors to express the difference between the meme as an idea and the manifestation of the meme in society.