11 JUN 2013 by ideonexus

 Solution to Russel's Paradox

An analysis of the paradoxes to be avoided shows that they all result from a kind of vicious circle. The vicious circles in question arise from supposing that a collection of objects may contain members which can only be defined by means of the collection as a whole. Thus, for example, the collection of propositions will be supposed to contain a proposition stating that “all propositions are either true or false.” It would seem, however, that such a statement could not be legitimate unles...
Folksonomies: logic paradox
Folksonomies: logic paradox
  1  notes

The paradox that a set of sets that do not contain themselves must contain itself.

23 JUN 2012 by ideonexus

 Paradox of the Universe

I am afraid all we can do is to accept the paradox and try to accommodate ourselves to it, as we have done to so many paradoxes lately in modern physical theories. We shall have to get accustomed to the idea that the change of the quantity R, commonly called the 'radius of the universe', and the evolutionary changes of stars and stellar systems are two different processes, going on side by side without any apparent connection between them. After all the 'universe' is an hypothesis, like the a...
Folksonomies: universe paradox
Folksonomies: universe paradox
  1  notes

It's radius VS the behavior of stars and stellar systems. Makes one think of the paradox of an expanding universe and one in which galaxies are drawn together through gravity.

24 APR 2012 by ideonexus

 Mathematics Feels Real, but is Paradoxical

On foundations we believe in the reality of mathematics, but of course, when philosophers attack us with their paradoxes, we rush to hide behind formalism and say 'mathematics is just a combination of meaningless symbols,'... Finally we are left in peace to go back to our mathematics and do it as we have always done, with the feeling each mathematician has that he is working with something real. The sensation is probably an illusion, but it is very convenient.
Folksonomies: mathematics philosophy
Folksonomies: mathematics philosophy
  1  notes

Real to the mathematician, paradoxical to the philosopher.