20 MAR 2015 by ideonexus
The Tipping Point of Sentience
When Mike was installed in Luna, he was pure thinkum, a flexible logic--"High-Optional, Logical, Multi-Evaluating Supervisor, Mark IV, Mod. L"--a HOLMES FOUR. He computed ballistics for pilotless freighters and controlled their catapult. This kept him busy less than one percent of time and Luna Authority never believed in idle hands. They kept hooking hardware into him--decision-action boxes to let him boss other computers, bank on bank of additional memories, more banks of associational neur...Folksonomies: artificial intelligence consciousness
Folksonomies: artificial intelligence consciousness
15 DEC 2011 by ideonexus
Aliens Don't Care About Us
The idea that we shall be welcomed as new members into the galactic community is as unlikely as the idea that the oyster will be welcomed as a new member into the human community. We're probably not even edible.Anymore than we care about oysters.