30 DEC 2013 by ideonexus
We Should Think of Ourselves as Atoms
we should consider ourselves but as atoms of organized matter, whose pleasure or whose pain, whose existence in a state of organization, or whose non-existence in that state, is a matter of no importance in the laws and operations of Nature; we should view ourselves with the same feelings, as we view the leaf which rises in the spring, and falls in the autumn, and then serves no further purpose but to fertilize the earth for a fresh production; we should view ourselves but as the blossoms of ...We are like the leaves on trees that are green for a season and then return to the Earth.
12 JUN 2012 by ideonexus
Nature is a vast tablet, inscribed with signs
Nature is a vast tablet, inscribed with signs, each of which has its own significancy, and becomes poetry in the mind when read; and geology is simply the key by which myriads of these signs, hitherto indecipherable, can be unlocked and perused, and thus a new province added to the poetical domain.Geologists can read those symbols.
13 DEC 2011 by ideonexus
Evidence in Geology is Overwhelming
The gradual advance of Geology, during the last twenty years, to the dignity of a science, has arisen from the laborious and extensive collection of facts, and from the enlightened spirit in which the inductions founded on those facts have been deduced and discussed. To those who are unacquainted with this science, or indeed to any person not deeply versed in the history of this and kindred subjects, it is impossible to convey a just impression of the nature of that evidence by which a multit...In the layers of geological strata are written more evidence than any human witness could bare.
15 SEP 2011 by ideonexus
Evolution is Personal
Among the wonders that science has uncovered about the universe in which we dwell, no subject has caused more fascination and fury than evolution. That is probably because no majestic galaxy or fleeting neutrino has implications that are as personal. Learning about evolution can transform us in a deep way. It shows us our place in the whole splendid and extraordinary panoply of life. It unites us with every living thing on the Earth today and with myriads of creatures long dead. Evolution giv...Folksonomies: evolution
Folksonomies: evolution
The story of evolution is captivating precisely because it is so connected to us.
30 AUG 2011 by ideonexus
The Universe Was Set in Motion and Everything Else Followed
Certainly the atoms did not post themselves purposefully in due order by an act of intelligence, nor did they stipulate what movements each should perform. [58] As they have been rushing everlastingly throughout all space in their myriads, undergoing a myriad changes under the disturbing impact of collisions, they have experienced every variety of movement and conjunction till they have fallen into the particular pattern by which this world of ours is constituted. This world has persisted man...Lucretius' very prescient observation.
20 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Predators Prevent Their Prey from Suffering
The appointment of death by the agency of carnivora, as the ordinary termination of animal existence, appears therefore in its main results to be a dispensation of benevolence; it deducts much from the aggregate amount of the pain of universal death; it abridges, and almost annihilates, throughout the brute creation, the misery of disease, and accidental injuries, and lingering decay; and imposes such salutary restraint upon excessive increase of numbers, that the supply of food maintains per...Stephen Jay Gould quoting the Reverend William Buckland.