26 MAR 2013 by ideonexus
Mathematics is More Popular Than Music and Art
Archimedes will be remembered when Aeschylus is forgotten, because languages die and mathematical ideas do not. 'Immortality' may be a silly word, but probably a mathematician has the best chance of whatever it may mean." [* * *] A mathematician, like a painter or a poet, is a maker of patterns. If his patterns are more permanent than theirs, it is because they are made with ideas. [* * *] The mathematician's patterns, like the painter's or the poet's, must be b...Mathematical ideas are more permanent in culture than artistic ones, and more people play in mathematical games without realizing it.
01 JUN 2012 by ideonexus
Mathematics is More Popular Than Music
The fact is that there are few more 'popular' subjects than mathematics. Most people have some appreciation of mathematics, just as most people can enjoy a pleasant tune; and there are probably more people really interested in mathematics than in music. Appearances may suggest the contrary, but there are easy explanations. Music can be used to stimulate mass emotion, while mathematics cannot; and musical incapacity is recognized (no doubt rightly) as mildly discreditable, whereas most people ...Folksonomies: mathematics music
Folksonomies: mathematics music
People can enjoy music emotionally despite not understanding it technically, more people understand mathematics a even a little technically but fear causes them to discredit their ability.